Pepper Money Award is the result of an internal initiative from the team at Pepper Money to find a way to recognise people who go out of their way to help others. In the wake of gruelling lockdowns, Pepper’s research showed that ordinary Australians lean on each other in adversity.
Pepper is a specialist lender that offers home loans, car finance, and debt consolidation loans. They have a wide range of eligibility criteria, competitive interest rates and are known for excellent customer service. Pepper also has a great reputation within the specialist lender space and has won many awards for its products and services.
As a specialist lender, Pepper offers loans to those who are often rejected by mainstream https://피망머니상.org/ lenders. This includes those who are self-employed, casual workers or have past credit issues. It is important to speak with a mortgage broker before applying for a loan as they can guide you through the process and make sure you are providing all the necessary documents.
Unlike traditional banks, Pepper is a fully online lender with no brick and mortar branches. This allows them to save on operating costs and pass on the savings to their customers. As a result, they are one of the most affordable lenders in Australia. In addition, they offer a range of loan options including low doc and alt doc lending.
Pepper’s commitment to innovation has seen them become a non-bank lender of choice for many brokers and financial services firms. The company has a strong focus on technology and the use of data to drive improved decision-making. Pepper’s market-leading asset finance platform SOLANA enables the creation, processing and end-to-end management of finance applications. It has helped the business to grow its volume by 70% 1 while delivering greater efficiencies to their team.
The campaign was developed using a stripped back creative style that was on brand and used real Pepper Money employees to tell the story. Pikardt believes this was critical to its success as “we can be really attracted to the new bright and shiny concept or idea, but if it’s fundamentally at odds with the culture and values of our organisation then it’s just never going to land.”
With the aim of helping a diverse range of individuals, Pepper Money chose to give out 46 awards based on nominations from their staff, their customers and the wider community. Some of the recipients included special equipment for a gym for those with disabilities, wildlife sanctuaries and those who provided food and supplies into communities. Other winners were volunteers, caregivers and community good angels who received some personal love with a bit of time out or something special.
Pepper Money is committed to continuing its journey of innovation and improving the lives of its customers, staff and the wider community. The company has won many awards including ‘Non-Bank Lender of the Year’ at the 2022 Australian Mortgage Awards and was #8 on AFR BOSS’ Most Innovative Companies in Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services list.